What is Operation London Bridge and why was it activated?

International 08/09/2022

The delicate state of health of Queen Elizabeth II of England has triggered alarms in the United Kingdom. But the country is prepared in case he dies. A little over four years ago, 'The Guardian' published several official documents of a secret nature revealing the process that should be followed and what would be the succession of acts, the cost of which would exceed one hundred million pounds.

The operation 'London Bridge is down' would begin the moment the death of the monarch was confirmed. Four words with which the Queen’s private secretary would communicate the news through a telephone line reserved for the Prime Minister, Liz Truss, and with which an immediate response would be unleashed. 

The schedule will run for ten days, between the death of Queen Elizabeth II and her funeral. The day of death will be labeled "D-Day", and each day later will be called "D+1", "D+2", etc. Among the full details of "Operation London Bridge" and "Operation Spring Tide", include:

"D-Day": In the hours following the queen’s death, there will be a "call wave" that will inform the prime minister, cabinet secretary and several of the ministers and senior officials about the news.

Calls and emails will be sent to various departments and permanent secretaries will be asked to use a certain wording to deliver the news. " Dear colleagues, I am writing with sadness to inform you of the death of Her Majesty the Queen", reads a script. In 10 minutes, the flags of all of Whitehall should be lowered to half-mast.

The royal family website will switch to a black retention page with a short statement confirming the queen’s death, while the UK government website and all social media sites will display a black banner. " Non-urgent content should not be published" and "retweets are explicitly prohibited unless authorized by the head of central government communications," the plan states.

The royal family will announce the program of the funeral of the queen, the prime minister will hold an audience with Charles and the new king will deliver a speech to the nation at 18.00 hours.

For the next 10 days, the queen’s coffin will be brought to Buckingham Palace and Charles will meet with the chief ministers of the government, who will recognize him as king. He will then undertake a brief tour of the UK with visits to the Scottish Parliament, Northern Ireland and Wales. The Queen will stay three days at the Palace of Westminster, while the government is engaged in planning the funeral.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will have to organise the arrival of Heads of State and personalities, while the Ministry of the Interior will have to organise security and address any concerns about the increase in the terrorist threat.

The Department of Transportation has raised the overflow of London’s streets by crowds likely to descend into the city, with a memo warning hotels and restaurants, roads, public transport, the police, health and basic services that could be seen "on the edge".

The day of the funeral will be declared of national mourning, two minutes of silence will be kept throughout the nation at noon and there will be processions in London and Windsor. The queen will be buried with her late husband, Prince Philip, in the memorial chapel of King George VI of Windsor Castle.

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