Skater boy, becomes famous for a post on Instagram

Extreme Sports 19/10/2019

Maxim Abramov is a young skater of 10 years, who lost his legs in a tragic fire; however, he has conquered everyone for being an incredible skater. The little one became popular after Tony Hawk, an American skater, considered the best in the world on vert, said the young man was his new favorite skater.

The young man became a trend on social media, after Hawk posted it on his Instagram and made it known to the whole world, having 4.7 million followers. The new skateboarding star, Max, has dazzled many and inspired people who also have disabilities to move on.

After the terrible accident, Max visited a skater park and from that moment on, his life changed and he decided to dedicate himself to this extreme sport, along with his skateboard and a coach.

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