Echo, the new Marvel series that brings back Kingpin and Daredevil

Movies & Celebrities 04/11/2023
K. Hernandez

Marvel Studios continues to expand its universe on the Disney+ streaming platform with new series that explore characters and plots that have not had much prominence in the films. One of them is Echo, which will focus on the figure of Maya Lopez, a young deaf and Native American woman who debuted in the Hawkeye series and who has the ability to imitate the movements of anyone.

Echo, played by Alaqua Cox, is the adopted daughter of Wilson Fisk, also known as Kingpin, the fearsome New York organized crime boss who was introduced in the Netflix series Daredevil. Kingpin, played by Vincent D'Onofrio, will appear again in Echo, as revealed in the first trailer for the series that was released this Friday.

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