Bizarrap and Milo J surprise with their new musical collaboration

Music 05/10/2023
K. Hernandez

Bizarrap, the Argentine DJ and producer who has become a global phenomenon, has once again surprised his fans with the launch of Music Session #57, in which he collaborates with Milo J, a young rapper also of Argentine origin. The song premiered in the early hours of October 4 to 5 and has already accumulated more than 10 million views on YouTube.

Milo J, whose real name is Joaquín Milone, is only 16 years old and has already demonstrated his talent and versatility in the trap genre. His musical career began two years ago, when he uploaded his first songs to social networks. Since then, he has managed to attract the attention of established artists such as Duki, Nicki Nicole or Bizarrap, with whom he has forged a good friendship.

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